Sunday 23 August 2015

EC225LP Super Puma : EC225 Spirit


After 6 months of training (2 months of classes plus courses, 4 months of line training), I'm officially an offshore pilot. My job kinda getting easy nowadays but with bigger responsibilities. Last time I'm flying for general aviation only, sometimes we'll bring the passenger along sometimes not. The experience that I've got is priceless though. Went deep into the jungle to send the doctors for weekly medical check up at the 'Pos Orang Asli', meeting people there really makes me happy because I love nature.

Once Upon a Time in Kuala Mu.

Enough about that, so today I'm gonna write about my latest aircraft rating EC225LP. For those who are deep in love with helicopter, they will know about EC225 straight away. This machine is unbelievable for a helicopter. For fixed wing pilot out there, please don't compare it with planes, A320, B737, and so on. 

EC 225 LP Super Puma at Angsi A platfrom.

EC225LP is a long range passenger transport helicopter developed by Eurocopter. Twin engined aircraft and powered by two Tubomeca Makila 2A1 turboshft engines. These engine are capable of providing 14 per cent more engine power and feature with redundant dual-channel Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) system for high reliability, FADEC system ensures that engine power is always kept within the limits of the gearbox.

EC225 Cockpit.

In terms of cockpit equipment and avionics, EC225 is equipped with a full glass cockpit with active liquid crystal displays. The Advanced Helicopter Cockpit and Avionics System is equipped as serving to reduce pilot workload, it will display flight management and sub-system information and is complete with a 4-axis digital autopilot. This helicopter also equipped with auto hover or 'Hover Mode' that it will maintain hovering at certain height. Under autopilot, the automatic flight control system acts to prevent pilot actions from exceeding the established flight envelope. The EC225 remains flyable with all automatic systems disabled.

When Dad & Son were flying together

That's all for now. Thank you for reading this guys.

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